l e l i q u i d e

30min Fiction


Le Liquide is an experimental short film inspired by Jacques Deray’s ‘La Piscine’.

We observe a group of friends at a villa in the south of France, hanging around in a state of lethargy, boredom and indifference. Communicating with each other in minimal scraps of bad French, they are mostly seen slumped around the periphery of the pool or ghosting around the empty house. Though physically close, everybody seems to be trapped in isolation – lost somewhere between their human condition, the nature outside and the artificial pool in the center. Built as an artificial piece of nature within the “real“ nature, the swimming pool seems to accept only artificiality within itself. As the story unfolds more and more people start to vanish, only to be found dead in the water and subsequently re-appearing as underwater ghosts thrashing around in the depths at night, alongside the ever-present pool-robot, slinking around underwater mysteriously.

Everyone is waiting for something to happen, but we always miss the actual event, but as more and more people disappear, the threat starts to become more tangible.


‘Le Liquide’ was intended as an experimental re-make of the before mentioned ‘La Piscine’. We used the occasion of the film’s 50th anniversary and current cultural climate to portray an ignorant pool-side bourgeoisie so focused on living the high life, which actually bores them, that they are unaware of any danger around them until it is too late.

The film was produced without a budget and minimal equipment and crew. All involved performed multiple tasks in the production with the intention to rediscover an impulsive and a-hierarchical style of filmmaking.


D I R E C T E D B Y : Jonas Feferle & Laura Nasmyth
C A S T & C R E W : Catherine Aitkin, Jonas Feferle, René Knapp, David Murphy, Laura Nasmyth, Doris Pokitsch, Georg Rauber, Désirée Schloffer, Lisa Steinberg, Ronja The Dog
C O L O U R G R A D I N G : Klaus Pamminger
S O U N D D E S I G N : Bernhard Zorzi


2019 // 30min // (DCP) // 5.1 // 16:9 // Fr, En // SUBS En, Fr // Con Art Film